
Know what stacks we are using for this project

  • Next.js
  • TypeScript
  • Contentlayer
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Eslint

Committing any changes

Whenever you are ready to commit your changes, something will run to check if there is any error or any other issues.

If there was any issues, your commit will canceled, so that you can fix the issues.

  • Eslint
  • Prettier
  • Husky
  • Lintstaged
  • Commitlint


Your comment should be written in a way that most of the people must be able to understand on what you have brought changes, because of this, I prefer to use Commitlint for writing a comment.

  • build
  • chore
  • ci
  • docs
  • feat
  • fix
  • perf
  • refactor
  • revert
  • style
  • test


For Example:

fix(bug-button): <your message>
feat(google-auth): <your message>
# Otherwise your commit will not be accepted.

See more...

File Structures

MDX Files

└── contents
    └── techs
        ├── css
            └── *.mdx
        ├── html
            └── *.mdx
        ├── javascript
            └── *.mdx
        └── *.mdx

by running npm run template, it will generate the file for you.

Components in MDX

└── registry
    ├── css
        └── <folder>
            └── *.tsx
    ├── html
        └── *.tsx
    └── javascript
        └── *.tsx

There is a folder (registry) where it contains all the imported component.

export const Index: Record<string, any> = {
  "border-radius": {
    name: "border-radius",
    component: React.lazy(() => import("@/registry/css/border-radius.tsx")),
  "center-flexbox": {
    name: "center-flexbox",
    component: React.lazy(() => import("@/registry/css/center/flexbox.tsx")),
  // ...

and we can easily use the components inside an MDX file:

When using Position or Margin for centering, we need to target the element not it's parent element.
<ComponentPreview name="center-flexbox" />

but when you can create any files inside the registry folder, you need to run npm run build:registry, so that the registry folder be updated.